
Roisin Markham is a visual artist. 
Personal work continues to develop and  materials remain an important part in creating work. 
"In the studio I make art using writing, writing, drawing, painting, photography, maps, found texts, handmade textiles and graphics... they are woven together by the idea of identity, place and the cultural context of insider outsider 'we are all different we are all the same'.

Roisin Markham is an artist who believes everyone is creative. 
Her practice with others is experiential, one of process through making space and asking questions, explored with art, heart and soul. Her work opens up participants to experience creativity in their context, learn creative skills and resilience tools for everyday living. Her work offers people of all age’s access to the arts and creative self expression.

"My work ebbs and flows in the following areas: health and well being, creativity in business and enterprise, arts participation, arts and disability, arts young people and children, arts and education, multi-disciplinary arts, innovation practices mixing creative facilitation, arts based methodologies and gaming." 

Roisin Markham is an artist who studio work is mixed with participatory projects, commissions, community education and the social impact of communication technology. 
"I find arc's of commonality between different clients and contexts! Wonderful - I love that. 
The nature of my work is changing and I embrace that. Bring it on!"

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