Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wexford Community Art

I am delighted to be on the panel of Wexford County Councils Community Artists part of the CWCAN (County Wexford Community Arts Network). 18 artists and I am  one of 8 visual artists listed. My experiential work is n't alsways based in visual arts but there ya go.

I've a new flyer that talks about Creativity in Your Context (you can read, download, share and print the .PDF here).
I'm really enjoying talking to community groups and looking forward to seeing where their (your) needs take the conversation. Collaboration - ideas - projects - growth fuel ideas flow!
Looking forward to getting to know the other artists on the panel also.

Friday, May 14, 2010

How I paint...

Paintings frequently start by writing on the paper or canvas; poems, thoughts, stories, ideas then the paint flows. The words transgress to colour, regularly without traditional form.
“I paint instinctively, with passion and raw emotion. Often the writing is lost or hidden to the progression of the painting and the expression of the works theme or story. The paintings always have a depth and meaning to them, they are my way of telling stories…I use colour the way others use words”

The colours and title allude to the meaning, the energy of the brush stroke tell the works story. The colours’ vibrancy swells from the work and embraces the viewer often evoking a connection that draws the viewer back repeatedly to a painting. 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Painting in progress this week

Work in progress; this is what I am painting this week
started like this

yesterday it looked like this

and today it looks like this...

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